Ultraconservative treatment with Papacarie in children aged 5 to 7 years of the Universidad Privada del Valle Dental Clinic Cochabamba


  • Melvy Espinoza Paredes




Chemical - mechanical removal, Papacarie, Rotary technique, Decay


The treatment of carious lesions in children follows the same principles as in the adult with the differences of lesser dental structure and above all the cooperation ofthe pediatric patient in the treatment, which can be improved by the proper management of the childs behavior.

A research work was carried out with the objective ofdetermining the effectiveness of Papacarie@gel for the removal of caries in patients between 5 and 7 years old, treated at the Univerisdad Privada del Valle Dental Clinic in Cochabamba, 2010, which presented second degree caries.

This investigation was of prospective, longitudinal and analytical type, the universe consisted of 50 later temporary pieces, with second degree caries that did not present painful symptomatology to which after applying the Papacarie@ for 40 seconds, we proceeded to remove the decayed tissue with dentine cups to be sealed with a glass-ionomer cement. This product does not affect the remaining dental structure, which facilitated the collaboration of uncooperative patients, although the work time increased.

The main results were: the piece with the highest percentage ofcaries was the second left molar with 10 %, being more affected patients of5 years; according to gender, girls presented a higher frequency ofcaries in teeth of the Iowerjaw and upper jaw; children were more affected; comparatively more girls than boys required a second and even third application ofthe product for the total removal ofcaries, which was achieved in general by 100 % (with an application in 70 % ofcases, with two applications in 20 % and with three in 10 % of cases); in the controls carried out at month and two months after the product was applied, no radiographic change was evidenced. With respect to pain during the execution of the technique in the research undertaken at the Clinic no patient presented this symptom as well as the patients in the study by Satie et al, of similar form no patient presented clinical or radiographic alterations subsequent to the treatment received both in the study ofSatie and cols. or the one performed in the Clinic.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Paredes, M. (2017). Ultraconservative treatment with Papacarie in children aged 5 to 7 years of the Universidad Privada del Valle Dental Clinic Cochabamba. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(31), 23–31. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v12i31.503



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