Orthostatic strategies for the variation and improvement of the gait pattern according to the application of the Fall Proof program combined with the Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation for the frail elderly


  • Enrique Gary Jiménez Vignola
  • Aydee Romero Molina
  • Sofia Angelica Ruiz Mendieta
  • Bismark Fuentes Cayo




Fragility síndrome, Elderly, Sarcopenia, Gravity in elderly


As physical deterioration progresses, many bodily skills are lost, mainly changes in positions and displacements due mainly to postural equilibrium, which results in a serious functional alteration for the life of the older adult. This deficiency in postural equilibrium and mobility is due to a decrease in sensory and motor capacities, meaning a decrease in the integration of information and the execution of motor activities, therefore, there is a greater susceptibility to suffering from muscularskeletal pathologies. Because of this decrease, the older adult is more exposed to falling episodes, which often have serious physical, psychic, social and economic consequences that affect both the patient and his family and society. 

A descriptive, analytical, and longitudinal study was conducted in 70 older adults where 7 % were found with Iow risk of fall, 14 % with a high risk offall and 79 % with a very high risk of fall on the application of the program FallProof in combination with the neuromuscular facilitación proprioceptive to enhance the center of gravity, voluntary orthostatic strategies, involuntary strategies, and gait. The result was optimal since to the final evaluation we have a 71 % with Iow risk of fall, 22 % with high risk of fall and 7 % with very high risk of fall.

This intervention by being individualized proposes an orthostatic strategy and a variation in the gait due to the improvement of the postural equilibrium control, the deficits in the vestibular, somatosensory, and visual system in addition to the muscular-skeletal system and nerve conduction thus reducing the incidence of falls during the execution of basic daily activities (like getting out of a chair or climbing stairs), since the balance constitutes the basis of an active and healthy life.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Vignola , E. G., Romero Molina , A., Ruiz Mendieta, S. A., & Fuentes Cayo , B. (2018). Orthostatic strategies for the variation and improvement of the gait pattern according to the application of the Fall Proof program combined with the Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation for the frail elderly. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(33), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v13i33.498



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