Risk factors and histopathological changes associated with the development of cervical cancer in patients from the Tiquipaya region 2014-2017


  • Ruth Sofia Carvallo Soria
  • Camilo Yaksic Muñoz
  • Daphné Gabriela Suárez Córdova
  • Mauricio Rodrigo Torrico Vargas




Cervical cáncer, Cervix cancer, Risk factors, Prevention


The main risk factor that predisposes to the development of epithelial and intraepithelial lesions that subsequently thrive in cervical neoplasia is infection by the human papillomavirus. A retrospective, transversal and descriptive research was carried out, with the objective of analyzing the factors related to the development of preneoplastic and neoplastic cervical lesions, and their connection with preventive activities and reproductive health in women of different ages.

The universe of investigation were 41 female patients who attended the semiological office of the Universidad Privada del Valle for the taking of samples for examination (endocervix and exocervix) histopathological of Papanicolau, whose ages ranged between 19 to 60 years. The results show that 100 % of patients have a high degree of risk (PAPIII) and dysplastic lesions are infected by human papillomavirus. The average age was 38,4 years in patients with dysplastic intraepithelial lesions. The number of pregnancies reached on average by patients with a high PAP level was 3. The etiologic causative agents of inflammation with the highest prevalence were Candida albicans in 48,78 % and Gardnerella vaginalis in 43,9 %.

lt is concluded that the main risk factors for the development of preneoplastic inflammatory intraepithelial lesions are the infection by Human Papiloma Virus, age and the number of pregnancies reached term.


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How to Cite

Carvallo Soria , R. S., Yaksic Muñoz , C., Suárez Córdova , D. G., & Torrico Vargas , M. R. (2018). Risk factors and histopathological changes associated with the development of cervical cancer in patients from the Tiquipaya region 2014-2017. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(33), 5–12. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v13i33.494



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