Diagnosis and treatment of delayed eruption because of mesiodens: case report


  • Judith Mollo López
  • Janeth Lilian Flores Ramos
  • Huber Claros Averanga
  • Mayra Rossio Condori Espinoza




Supernumerary Tooth, Mesiodens, Delayed Eruption


Supernumerary teeth are a very common developmental problem in children. The mesiodens is a supernumerary tooth that is in the midline between central incisors. Its etiology is not totally clear, although the dental lamina hyperactivity is considered as a determining factor. Among the complications that mesiodens can cause are: delay in eruption, ectopic eruption, rotation of the permanent incisors and diastema in the m id line which alters the occlusion and therefore the aesthetics. Otherfindings that are believed to be due to the presence of su pernumera ry teeth are the reabsorption of the root of permanent teeth, formation of cysts, and eruption of the supernumerary tooth in the nasal cavity. Therefore, it is important that the clinician diagnoses the mesiodens promptly to allow optimal but minimal treatment, which consists in the surgical removal of the supernumerary tooth. The timely intervention not only prevents malocclusion but also the time necessary for correcting orthodontics.

The objective ofthis work is to inform about the surgical and orthodontic approach of a male patient of 8 years, for the treatment of a supernumerary tooth and the absence of the right central incisor. In conclusion, the presence of a mesiodens produces the delay of the eruption of the upper incisors, a sign that should alert us for a diagnosis and timely treatment.


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How to Cite

Mollo López , J., Flores Ramos , J. L., Averanga, H. C., & Condori Espinoza, M. R. (2019). Diagnosis and treatment of delayed eruption because of mesiodens: case report. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 14(35), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v14i35.481



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