Mucosal lesions produced by removable dental prosthesis in patients of the Univalle Dental Clinic, Cochabamba, 2016


  • Tania Ugarte Antezana
  • Nayra Revollo Sandoval



Lesions in oral mucosa, Removable prosthesis


Partial or total tooth loss is a cause of concern as a person's life goes on, this affects the daily life of those who suffer it, in the aesthetic, psychological, physical and functional. A prospective, longitudinal and descriptive investigation was carried out with the objective of evaluating the prevalence of oral lesions related to the use of removable prosthesis. The sample was constituted by 51 patients with removable prosthesis with ages that fluctuated between 38 to 92 years. 33 patients (65%) female and 18 (35%) male. Prosthodontic clinical histories were made, and data were collected from medical records that were tabulated in the Excel v.15; and the results and graphics with SPSS v.18. The results show that: the paraprothetic lesions with the highest prevalence were subprosthetic stomatitis found in 25 patients (49%) and with cleft epulis or paraprosthetic hyperplasia in 14 patients (27.5%). Regarding subprosthetic stomatitis, in the study conducted at Univalle Dental Clinic, female patients were the most affected with 63.3%; while the masculine gender presented 36.7%. T his greater tendency of damage for the feminine gender can be due to the hormonal changes experienced by the women, especially after the menopause. The final recommendation should focus on education on oral hygiene and periodic monitoring after installation of the dental prosthesis.


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How to Cite

Ugarte Antezana , T., & Revollo Sandoval , N. (2019). Mucosal lesions produced by removable dental prosthesis in patients of the Univalle Dental Clinic, Cochabamba, 2016. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 14(35), 14–22.



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