Variation in the origin of the left vertebral artery: about a case


  • Manuel Alejandro Yupanqui
  • Hugo Vincent García Meza
  • Camila Valeria x Rojas
  • Rafaela Maria Aguirre
  • Karen Jhovana Vargas
  • Carlos Miguel Siles



Left Vertebral Artery, Aortic Arch, Anomalous Origin, Left Subclavian Artery, Anatomical Variant


The vertebral vessels are deep cervical ones that should raise from the subclavian arteries. During a dissection at the amphitheater ofthe Universidad Privada del Valle La Paz, it was discovered a variation (which doesn't follow the current theory), in order to improve knowledge on medical professionals about the existence of this anomaly, it was decided to report this case. lt's about a unique incidental discovery, founded at the left side of a cadaveric piece in which the left vertebral artery has an anomalous origin raising directly from the aortic arch between left primitive carotid artery and left subclavian artery, with an important relation with vagus nerve. Literature refers the origin of the left vertebral artery as a collateral branch of the subclavian artery; studies made on cadaveric pieces and imaging studies made before 2000 point incidences between 3 and 8,3% respect of variants on the left vertebral artery and another branch of the aortic arch, meanwhile studies made after 2000 show an incidence between 2,4 and 5,8% in general population showing disagreement between the information. In 2016 this percentage has an important increase with an 84,6%, besides including the variant in type III according to Liechty. The mentioned data, along with the finding done through the research, allow us to conclude that the non-traditional origin of the left vertebral artery is very frequent, and its incidence increases proportionally, causing a variation in researchers results, but not so with regards to the importance of knowledge in the field of clinical surgery to avoid confusion and inaccurate diagnoses.


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How to Cite

Yupanqui , M. A., García Meza , H. V., Rojas , C. V. x, Aguirre , R. M., Vargas , K. J., & Siles , C. M. (2019). Variation in the origin of the left vertebral artery: about a case. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 14(35), 7–13.



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