Desinfection effectiveness of cast posts with previous decontamination with enzymatic detergent carried out at the Univalle Dental Clinic 2017


  • Lidia Flores Zamorano
  • María Rebeca Maldonado Gómez García



Disinfection. Microorganisms. Cast posts. Decontamination.


A disinfected cast post is indicated when rehabilitating a nonvital tooth with a considerable coronal destruction to support a crown on it. A prospective, transversal and analytical in vitro research work was carried out, with the aim of determining the effectiveness of disinfection of cast posts with a previous manual decontamination procedure with enzymatic detergent. Forty samples of cast posts were collected forthis purpose, which were immersed in Trypticase soy agar, Blood agar and McConkey agar as a growth medium to identify the microorganisms. Six posts had no previous treatment and the presence of microorganism was positive on them. Other 6 posts were cleansed with enzymatic detergent for 10' and microorganisms were present, but it was negative at 20' of immersion on it. Other four posts were cleansed with enzymatic detergent and disinfected with Isopropyl alcohol at 70% in 10' & 20' of immersion and the result was positive. The next 3 groups had 4 posts each one. Each of them was decontaminated with enzymatic detergent and disinfected with Chlorhexidine Gluconate at 2%, Glutaraldehyde at 2% and Hypochlorite at 2,5%. No microorganism's growth was observed on them. A similar result was obtained on 4 cast posts disinfected just with Isopropyl Alcohol at 70% without previous decontamination procedures. The presence of microorganisms was also positive on 4 posts disinfected with Chlorhexidine at 2% for 5' of immersion, but it was negative at 15' of immersion on it. The last 4 posts were immersed just on Glutaraldehyde at 2% and at 10' the result was positive but negative at 20' of immersion on the same disinfectant. We suggest the use of this decontamination and disinfection protocol prior to cementation of cast posts to avoid contamination of the sterile root canal.


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How to Cite

Flores Zamorano , L., & Maldonado Gómez García , M. R. (2019). Desinfection effectiveness of cast posts with previous decontamination with enzymatic detergent carried out at the Univalle Dental Clinic 2017. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(36), 18–27.



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