Depression, anxiety, stress and consumption of psychoactive substances post Covid among medical students of the Universidad del Valle Cochabamba-Bolivia, 2022




Depression, anxiety, students.


Introduction. The Covid-19 pandemic had an important impact on the mental health and well-being of society, particularly in young university students. The objective is evaluate the impact of mental health on the consumption of psychoactive substances between medical students of the Universidad del Valle, Bolivia.

Methods: A quantitative study was used. Online surveys were used through Forms. The Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used to assess the emotional states after the Covid-19 pandemic, and was used questions related to behavior of psychoactive substances from the validated questionnaire CoPaQ (Corona Pandemie Questionnaire).

Results. It was found that after the pandemic and the measures taken, 60% of medical students have depression, 60% anxiety, and 34% stress. As a result of the analysis between the variable severe/extremely severe mental health problems, it can be asserted that there is a statistically significant relationship with the variables: sex (p 0.026), nationality (p 0.03), patients in psychotherapy therapies (p 0 .0036); also with the consumption of alcohol (p 0.0089), cigarettes (p 0.028) and consumption of drugs such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, stimulants (p 0.006639).

Discussion and Conclusions. The study collects information on the impact of mental health on medical students at Universidad del Valle after the pandemic, identifying the behaviors developed that should be addressed in university programs.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Arsenio Garcias Mora, Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante de la Univalle

ROSA BUTRON HEREDIA, Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante de la Univalle

Valeria Kare Salvatierra Gomez, Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante de la Univalle


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How to Cite

Arias, L., Garcias Mora, R. A., BUTRON HEREDIA, R., & Salvatierra Gomez, V. K. (2023). Depression, anxiety, stress and consumption of psychoactive substances post Covid among medical students of the Universidad del Valle Cochabamba-Bolivia, 2022. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 18(44), 21–31.



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