Surgical Dental Protocol Applied to Patients ith HIV +: About a Clinical Case.


  • Javier Boris Adrián Burgos
  • Nathalie Andrea Candia López
  • Noelia Vargas Ovando



Antiretrovirals, Biosecurity, HIV, Surgical protocol


Introduction: HIV causes an acquired deficiency of cellular immunity, the cells that invade are essentially TCD4 + lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages. It evolves chronically and presents with opportunistic infections by bacteria, fungi and viruses, malignant neoplasms and neurological disorders that can cause death.

Case report: A surgical procedure was performed at the UNIVALLE Dental Clinic, La Paz-Bolivia, reporting a clinical case, a 33-year-old HIV-1+ female patient, with antiretroviral treatment, who came for multiple carious processes and sources of infection, which were treated with a Dental Surgical Protocol, carrying out a previous surgical planning, in which the following laboratory
parameters were requested from the patient: complete blood count, coagulogram, lipoprotein profile, renal profile, glycemia, (all results within normal parameters). The delocalization of the oral cavity was programmed, in a single intervention,  performing the extraction of teeth 1.8, 1.5, 2.6, 2.7.

Discussion: It was determined to carry out this Dental Surgical Protocol to prevent possible infections with HIV in the surgical  act, within the Biosafety regulations established by the Dental Clinic of the Private University of Valle Sub Headquarters La Paz and the Ministry of Health Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Adrián Burgos , J. B. ., Candia López, N. A. ., & Vargas Ovando , N. . (2020). Surgical Dental Protocol Applied to Patients ith HIV +: About a Clinical Case. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 15(39), 76–88.



Case Report

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