Post COVID-19 Patients and the Muscle Fibers Bioenergetics in Relation to Aerobic Exercise.


  • Alexandro Marcelo Sánchez Videa
  • José Waldo Aquino Hinojosa
  • Mauricio Cabrera Ponce



Aerobic exercise, Bioenergetics, Muscles, Post COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic, without a doubt, has caused many health professionals to create intervention strategies within the preventive, therapeutic and educational fields, in order to improve the health condition of patients with this disease. All the information that is related to COVID-19 is new, but we can find some similarity in the respiratory symptoms and the consequences coming from SARS-CoV-2.

When a patient gets this disease, he or she can present moderate or severe symptoms (symptomatic), mild (presymptomatic) and even not present any type of symptoms at all (asymptomatic); demonstrating variations in the prognosis of each patient. The main condition is shown in the respiratory system, causing alterations in lung volumes, respiratory muscles and ventilatory functional capacities mainly.

However, in patients who performed continuous, regular or occasional physical exercise, it could be significantly improved, especially if it was done with aerobic exercise, since the purpose of this type of exercise is capable of optimizing the state of health, as well as it is very useful at the moment of energy use towards the muscular tissue to maintain the motor activity of type I muscle fibers (oxidative phosphorylation).

In case of not obtaining the necessary oxygen for the body, this could lead to a deficit in muscle activity, and thus resort to other types of energy routes (anaerobic), which do not use oxygen, completely altering the stages of the model triphasic skinner intensity.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Videa , A. M. ., Aquino Hinojosa, J. W. ., & Cabrera Ponce, M. . (2020). Post COVID-19 Patients and the Muscle Fibers Bioenergetics in Relation to Aerobic Exercise. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 15(39), 6–14.




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