Full Mouth Disinfection, in a Periodontitis Patient, Stage III, Generalized Grade B Case Report.


  • Gloria Patricia Sanz Valencia
  • Sara Vargas Morales
  • Renia Valia Hurtado Velasco




Full-mouth disinfection, Periodontitis, Root flattening


Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease of the teeth supporting tissues. Scraping and root flattening is the method of choice for biofilm disaggregation and calculus. A new non-surgical periodontal treatment modality has also been proposed: Full-mouth disinfection, which is based on avoiding intraoral transmission of periodontal pathogens from untreated periodontal sacs to already treated areas.

The objective of this work was to describe the "Full-mouth disinfection" technique in a patient with periodontitis, stage III, generalized grade B, applied at the Univalle La Paz Dental Clinic. This clinical case was selected due to the large presence of dent bacterial plaque and calculus, as well as the number of remaining pieces, achieving stabilization of the periodontium reflected in
depths less than probing and gain in insertion levels, as well as decreasing percentages of biofilm and bleeding on probing. This technique favors both the patient and the operator.


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How to Cite

Sanz Valencia, G. P. ., Vargas Morales, S. ., & Hurtado Velasco, R. V. . (2020). Full Mouth Disinfection, in a Periodontitis Patient, Stage III, Generalized Grade B Case Report. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 14(38), 46–53. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v14i38.327



Case Report

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