Anesthetic and Anti-cancer Properties of Capsaicin.


  • María Rosa Rodríguez Vargas
  • Annia Aguilar Loayza
  • Luciana Fernandes de Oliveira
  • Alex Alberto Cabrera Yabar
  • Diego HojairoToledo Jayo



Anesthetic, Capsaicin, Pungency, Neuropathic pain


Capsaicin is a chemical compound (8-methylN-Vanillyl-6-nonemamide), active component of hot peppers. It is irritating to mammals; it produces a strong burning sensation. Capsaicin is found in the fruits of plants belonging to the Solanaceae family of the Capsicum genus. Furthermore, this fruit is traditionally used in Latin American cuisine as an ingredient. In small doses (about 1 g), it produces a sensation of heat in the mouth, and as the dose is increased, it produces a painful sensation. The richest part in capsaicin of the fruit is the septum and the seeds. Researches carried out in the health area have shown various medicinal properties, standing out as an analgesic and anesthetic. Experiments in in vitro cultures on cancer cells have shown that stimulating cells with capsaicin (concentrations of 10 and 150 micromolar) for 48 hours, causes significant inhibition in the growth of cancer cells and induces apoptosis and necrosis. Capsaicin, being an anesthetic, binds to specific receptors on tumor cells, reducing the growth rate of these cells. On the other hand, the medicines used up to now are for external use called "skin patches", it contains a high concentration of capsaicin. The application of this patch for 60 minutes considerably reduces pain in patients with postherpetic neuralgia. This article is a bibliographic review of the properties of capsaicin in pain inhibition and tumor cell multiplication.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Vargas , M. R. ., Aguilar Loayza, A. ., Fernandes de Oliveira, L. ., Cabrera Yabar, A. A. ., & HojairoToledo Jayo, D. . (2020). Anesthetic and Anti-cancer Properties of Capsaicin. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 14(38), 20–30.


