Stroke Patients Management Admitted in the Emergency Service at Univalle Hospital, 2013-2017.


  • Carolina Núñez Daza
  • Javier Nicolás Uño Santillán
  • Francisco Ignacio Olivares Flores
  • Hugo Francisco Melgar Baldi



Stroke, Thrombolysis, t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator), CT (computerized tomography)


Stroke is characterized by an acute loss of circulation in an area of the brain. It is a neurological emergency that must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. This was a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study with the objective of identifying the management of patients with stroke admitted into the emergency department of the Univalle Hospital, between August 2013 to August 2017. The universe was 208 patients. Sampling for convenience was obtained according to inclusion criteria, with a total of 77 patients. There are 47 cases that correspond to the ischemic type (61%) and 30 to the hemorrhagic type (39%). Prevalence of female sex; 41 patients (53%), prevalent age range between 61 to 78 years (35 cases). In 15 cases, simple skull tomography was performed, in less than 25 minutes. In the study, 11 patients (14,28%) were admitted at that time and were ischemic  type; only one patient received thrombolytic therapy. Diagnostic and prognostic scales for stroke were not stipulated in medical records. It is suggested the implementation of a care protocol for patients with a diagnosis of stroke that fits the situation of the Univalle Hospital.


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How to Cite

Núñez Daza, C. ., Uño Santillán, J. N. ., Olivares Flores, F. I. ., & Melgar Baldi , H. F. . (2019). Stroke Patients Management Admitted in the Emergency Service at Univalle Hospital, 2013-2017. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(37), 5–14.



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