Guide for the publication of articles in the Journal of Health Research and Information



Guide, Article Publishing, Scientific Writing, Vancouver Style


The Journal of Health Research and Information (RIIS) is a peer-reviewed, edited scientific publication by the National Directorate of Research, Coordination of Clinical Research and the Coordination of publications and scientific dissemination of the Universidad del Valle; since its creation in 2005, our mission has to offer a publication space to  professionals with an interest in the areas of Health Sciences (Medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, etc.) and other areas linked to it  such as psychology and social work contributing to the integral health of the population; is edited with a biannual periodicity and is oriented to the publication of original scientific articles in the areas of health; the journal publishes works carried out by national and foreign researchers, in English language or Spanish, which allow to raise to the scientific community, works that report and teach the state of the research conducted in Spanish-speaking countries; from another point of view, apart from publications original, the RIIS publishes original clinical cases, letters to the editor, articles of reflection, being topics of interest in the area of health.


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Antioquia Ud. Normas para la presentacion de trabajos de grado. [Online]. [cited 2022 marzo 29. Available from:

Alvarez EM. Instrucciones a los autores de publicaciones en la revista de investigaciones de la Universidad Le Cordon Bleu. [Online]. [cited 2022 marzo 29. Available from: index.php/REVISTAULCB/about/editorialTeam.

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How to Cite

Ortega Martínez, R. A. (2022). Guide for the publication of articles in the Journal of Health Research and Information. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 17(42), 65–79. Retrieved from



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