Perfil epidemiológico de la afección por Covid-19 en pacientes con VIH/SIDA en Cochabamba, Bolivia




COVID-19 epidemiology, HIV, epidemiological factors.


Summary: Covid-19 is a health problem, which mostly affects people with compromised immune systems, such as people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Objective: Describe the clinical impact that Covid-19 has had on PLWHA who attending at the Departmental Center for Surveillance, Information and Reference (CDVIR) of Cochabamba. Methods: A descriptive study was developed with a quantitative, retrospective approach, with the participation of 327 people living with HIV who attended a consultation between May and June 2021. It was carried out in two phases: in the first, I applied a questionnaire based on in the survey “Covid-19: Guidance and Survey Tool” designed by the Pan American Health Organization, and in the second phase the medical records of the patients were reviewed. Results: From the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic until June 30, 2021, 34 of 318 PLWHA presented Covid-19 with confirmatory tests, with a cumulative incidence of 1.4%. Among the Covid-19 cases, only 4 patients (12%) reported moderate and severe symptoms. And only 29% felt affected in the provision of antiretroviral therapy (ARV), medical care and laboratories during quarantine. The factors related to the greater severity of Covid-19 were age, overweight, viral load (≥40 copies/ml), and CD4 (less than 500]. Conclusions: The progression of HIV / Covid-19 coinfection among PLWHA was similar to the general population, and the degree of impairment in access to health care services was relatively low.


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Author Biography

Liseth Arias López, Universidad Privada del Valle

Médico Cirujano con especialidad de Salud Pública mención Epidemiología. Docente Universidad del Valle, Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Arias López, L. (2022). Perfil epidemiológico de la afección por Covid-19 en pacientes con VIH/SIDA en Cochabamba, Bolivia. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 17(42), 8–16.



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