Secretions management by increased flow with PEEP devices in pneumonia


  • Enrique Gary Jiménez Vignola Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Angélica Sofía Ruiz Mendieta Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Mariana Cardozo Vladislavic Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Mauricio Cabrera Ponce Universidad Privada del Valle



Clearance, Expiration, Hypersecretion, Rehabilitation, Treatment


Introduction: In recent years, very little importance has been given to the sequelae of bronchial hypersecretion in pneumonia and that results in a series of difficulties due to not having been treated at the right time, this disease is the cause of millions of deaths in children under 5 and over 60 years old people. It is intended that this research work is a treatment reference and a guideline for all respiratory therapists who require the use of these devices and consider the positive pressure at the end of expiration in patients with pneumonia, with the presence of secretions for a best treatment proposal.

Development: The Flutter, Acapella and Thera Pep have a vibratory mechanism of action within the respiratory airways, they cause a detachment of secretions resulting in a clearance of the airway. Putting respiratory rehabilitation into practice is essential since it allows us to explain in detail the handling of these devices, the technique used in each treatment, the prior evaluation of the patient, the recognition of results and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment.

Conclusion: The purpose of PEEP is to avoid and delay the anticipated closure of the airways during expiration that, accompanied by these devices, causes vibrations, resulting in the detachment of secretions from the walls of the airway. The proper use of techniques and instruments for respiratory rehabilitation and reintegration of the patient into society is of vital importance, thanks to the knowledge and use of new devices in respiratory therapy, the patient is provided with a beneficial rehabilitation treatment, optimal results, easy to use and low cost.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Vignola, E. G. ., Ruiz Mendieta, A. S. ., Cardozo Vladislavic, M., & Cabrera Ponce, M. . (2021). Secretions management by increased flow with PEEP devices in pneumonia . Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 16(41), 80–102.




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