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  • Gabriel Peredo Albornoz Centre International de Recherches et études Transdisciplinaires (CIRET)
  • Carlos Prado Mendoza Centro Cultural Kuska de Sabidurías Ancestrales



epidemics, one health, spirituality, pandemics, traditional medicine


The World Health Organization's Traditional Medicine Strategy aims to assist countries in developing policies and action plans that enhance the role of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in achieving universal health coverage. This initiative aligns with the global response for preventive measures against potential pandemics and epidemics. Implementing such strategies involves addressing challenges and exploring holistic approaches, such as One Health, which considers the interconnectedness of matter-information-energy, mind-body-spirit, and the relationship between humans, nature, and sacred. In this context, this work presents the 'Tukuypaq System of Physical-Spiritual Harmonization' which integrates the management of medicinal plants and ritual practices from diverse cultures through a transdisciplinary lens. This approach highlights the relevance of ancestral wisdom in Conservation Medicine emphasizing the importance of adapting, complementing, and translating the principles of traditional healing practices with contemporary medical methods for potential public health crises.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Peredo Albornoz, Centre International de Recherches et études Transdisciplinaires (CIRET)

Recognized as Pachaqampiqamayuq (Healer of the Earth) by the Meeting of Bearers of Ancestral Knowledge of Abya Yala. Specialist in Integrative Research of Indigenous Knowledge in Health. He has trained with great representatives of indigenous and scientific knowledge such as Abadio Green Stocel, Carlos Barrios, Carlos Prado, Fritjof Capra, Rupert Sheldrake, Roberto Restrepo Arcila, Luis Eduardo Luna among others. Academic Coordinator of the Kuska Cultural Center of Ancestral Wisdoms. He was advisor of the national policy of Intercultural Community Family Health (SAFCI) and of the scientific mission in the COP28. Expert in the Technical Committee of the Bill for the Declaration of Cultural, Material and Intangible Heritage of Medicinal Plants (Echip).
Medicinal Plants (Echipnosis pachanoi, Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotroia viridis) of the Senate of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Bill for the Declaration of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Botanical Garden Dr. Martin Cardenas. He has directed the initiative for Bolivia of the Four Pillars of Ikwasheduna Project (UNESCO). Founding member of the University Association of Student Scientific Societies of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón.

Author of scientific articles and book chapters in English and Spanish: "The Pacasqa Nuna interface. Tukuypaq or the teaching-learning nurture process for healing the subconscious and spirit diseases"; “Tukuypaq System: Contributions of traditional medicine for the integral approach of epidemics or pandemics”; “Ancestral wisdom in dialogue with the laws of quantum mechanics”; “Fragmentation of temporal lines and prolonged states of confusion for the analysis of human existence-consciousness of the XXI Century”; “Memory of Traditional Andean Amazonian Medicine”.

He is a member of the Centre International de Recherches et études Transdisciplinaires (France) directed by Basarab Nicolescu and of the International Center of Transdisciplinary Research (Japan) where he articulates a network of indigenous spiritual savants worldwide.

He is currently a consultant for the Intercultural Integral Health Community Project with indigenous communities of the South Yungas region of the department of La Paz for the design of the Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants.

Carlos Prado Mendoza, Centro Cultural Kuska de Sabidurías Ancestrales

Jampiri qhichwa and amawta. Director of the Kuska Cultural Center and the Itinerant Native Museum of Traditional Andean Amazonian Medicine. Vice-president of the Bolivian Society of Natural History. Custodian of the legacy of Dr. Martin Cardenas and promoter of the Technical Field Sector of Medicinal Plants of the Botanical Garden of Cochabamba in Bolivia. Focal Point of the initiative of the Talantaña Planetary Harmonization Plan and the Four Pillars Project of Ikwashenduna (UNESCO). He participated in COP15 as a representative of indigenous peoples of Bolivia. He is one of the few wisemen condecorated by the Chamber of Senators of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
Author of: “50 medicinal plants of traditional use in Bolivia”; ‘Dye and medicinal plants in Bolivia from an Ecological and Cultural approach’; ‘Pachamama is sick’; ”Mancharisqa is not depression. Aporte etnomédico para la salud mental intercultural” and ‘Memoria de Medicina Tradicional Andino Amazónica’, some of which have been translated into Dutch.
He has been a guest lecturer in postgraduate programs and has participated in congresses related to the fields of health, intercultural traditional medicine, nutrition, botany and anthropology at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia), Ohio State University (USA), Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), among others. The work he has done for more than 30 years stands out for two reasons. First, because his contribution, from physical-spiritual harmonization, extends to intercultural medicine and integral health in Bolivia and the world.
Secondly, because he has been an important part of consultation and advisory processes for various public and private spaces such as the SAFCI program and the Psychiatric Hospital San Juan de Dios, in the approach of integral health for the treatment and prevention of diseases from the ancestral vision.
He is currently a consultant for the Intercultural Integral Health Community Project with indigenous communities of the South Yungas region of the department of La Paz for the design of the Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants.


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How to Cite

Peredo Albornoz, G., & Prado Mendoza, C. (2024). TUKUYPAQ SYSTEM: TRADITIONAL MEDICINE CONTRIBUTIONS TO AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO EPIDEMICS OR PANDEMICS . Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(47), 94–108.


