

  • José Miguel Pary Coca Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Carmen Torrejón Rocabado Universidad Privada del Valle




Supernumerary spleen, Anatomical Variations, Intraperitoneal abdominal organs


In the amphitheater of the faculty of medicine of Univalle, during the process of cadaveric dissection, in human anatomy classes, an anatomical structure is found that due to its characteristics of size, color and location is interpreted as a supernumerary spleen. We proceed to the careful dissection of this anatomical piece and to the meticulous registration of data, comparing the finding with what is described in the classic literature of anatomy and surgery. Based on histological study it is confirmed that the structure corresponds to splenic tissue.

 This article exposes the detailed description of this anatomical variant, also proposes an interpretation based on observation and literature review that together with the experience of the researchers establishes a logical discussion, a real interpretation and concludes by providing relevant recommendations for medical practice in relation to this variant, the supernumerary spleen.


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How to Cite

Pary Coca, J. M., & Torrejón Rocabado, C. (2024). v. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 119–126. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v19i46.1134



Case Report