Power calculation with the hop test in players of the U15 Didede soccer school


  • Franklin Daniel Gutiérrez Canelas Cochabamba
  • Juan Pablo Kovac Carvajal Actina Therapy Trainnig
  • Pedro Daniel Camacho Fisio Electro Bolivia
  • Luis Rodrigo Maldonado Callao Actina Therapy Trainnig
  • Clara Paola Covarrubias Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Jaime Yucra Cuajera Dirección departamental del deporte Cochabamba, Bolivia




Hop Test , Tiempo y distancia, Calculo de Potencia


Introduction: Soccer is one of the most popular disciplines in the sports field, there are different tests and power evaluation tests, among the most prominent is the Hop Test. Our objective was to know if this test was capable of identifying the power differences in the development of activities with and without external resistance in youngsters under fifteen from the DIDEDE soccer school.

Material and Methods: 22 soccer players aged between 13 and 15 years are taken into account, divided into 2 groups, with resistance (a) and without resistance (b), the Hop Test is implemented with 8 work tests in natural grass sports field, the distance and time performed in each test is evaluated, in order to obtain the power calculation, the materials used were a template with power calculation formulas, a 4.5 kg resistance band for the group a, stopwatch, tape measure, to obtain the data.

Results: The results were corroborated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and T Student statistical tests, obtaining significant data (p=0.005), for the tests in both groups, with the best power in group (a) at an average of 1051.45 W. unlike group (b) with 831.31 W.

Conclusions: It was determined that the relationship of time and distance can identify the average muscular strength power and evaluate the physical conditions of the soccer players of the DIDEDE school.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Canelas, F. D., Kovac Carvajal, J. P., Camacho, P. D., Maldonado Callao, L. R., Covarrubias, C. P., & Yucra Cuajera, J. (2024). Power calculation with the hop test in players of the U15 Didede soccer school. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v19i46.1123



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