Use of the Perfetti method in cases of spastic hemiplegia and sequelae of encephalitis


  • Sandra Terceros Aguilar Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Fabian Fernando Avilés Camberos Universidad Privada del Valle



Perfetti Method, Cognitive, VAS Scale, Spastic Hemiplegia, Sequelae of Encephalitis.


The present investigation demonstrates the usefulness based on the practice that the Perfetti method has in 2 patients with neurological pathologies, the first one is a spastic hemiplegia and the second one a sequel of encephalitis, where the method was applied during a number of scheduled sessions,where in the end the final evolution of the 2 patients was seen, the type of method that the work has is qualitative since the evolution that the patients have after using the method during the 10 scheduled physiotherapy sessions will be analyzed

The Perfetti method is a method in which games are used based on repetitions, experiences, reorganization, senses and perception, according to the needs of the patient, that is, it is a method where exercises are programmed that will be specifically destined to rehabilitate the cognitive aspect of the patient. patient, within the present investigation the evolution of the patients will be seen during 10 sessions applying the Perfetti method, also the investigation shows the comparison of the Perfetti method with other neurological techniques to verify the weaknesses and strengths of each one.


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How to Cite

Terceros Aguilar, S., & Avilés Camberos, F. F. (2024). Use of the Perfetti method in cases of spastic hemiplegia and sequelae of encephalitis. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 147–152.



Case Report