Diagnosis and management of biliary ileus. About a case


  • Leonardo Gomez Hospital Obrero N°2
  • Edgar Hugo Fernández Rios Hospital Obrero N°2
  • Carlos Daza Rojas Hospital Obrero N°2




ileus, cholelithiasis, obstruction


Gallstone ileus is a mechanical obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract caused by the impaction of one or more gallbladder stones into the intestinal lumen through a bilioenteric fistula. The present case deals with a 68-year-old female patient who came to the emergency room due to intestinal obstruction. The image showed distension of the intestinal loops, a radiopaque image in abdominal x-ray, which was corroborated by a simple CT scan of the abdomen, so it is He decided to enter the operating room due to a probable gall ileus and perform an exploratory laparatomy, finding a 5 cm diameter stone stuck in the jejunum. Gallstone ileus is a rare complication of cholelithiasis. Treatment includes rehydration and but mainly surgery to correct the cause of the intestinal obstruction.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Gomez, Hospital Obrero N°2

General Surgeon trained at Hospital Obrero No. 2 Caja Nacional de Salud - Cochabamba, Resident of Oncological Surgery at the Oncological Hospital of the Caja Nacional de Salud - La Paz

Edgar Hugo Fernández Rios, Hospital Obrero N°2

General Surgeon and Laparoscopist of the Hospital Obrero No. 2 Caja Nacional de Salud - Cochabamba, Professor of Surgery at the UMSS and UNIVALLE Cochabamba - Bolivia, Vice-President of the Bolivian Society of Surgery -

Carlos Daza Rojas, Hospital Obrero N°2

General Surgeon of the Workers' Hospital No. 2 National Health Fund - Cochabamba


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How to Cite

Gomez, L., Fernández Rios, E. H., & Daza Rojas, C. (2024). Diagnosis and management of biliary ileus. About a case. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 127–132. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v19i46.1106



Case Report