High blood pressure, cardiovascular risk factors and therapeutic adherence multicentric registry in Cochabamba-Bolivia


  • Claudia Patricia Paz Soldan Patino Hospital Univalle Norte
  • Daniel Saavedra Rodríguez Hospital Belga Cochabamba
  • Silvia Ureña Cordero Clínica Los Olivos
  • Lucía Antezana Navia Hospital Clínico Viedma Cochabamba
  • Claudia Villanueva de la Rosa Hospital Univalle Sur
  • Rommer Alex Ortega Martinez Universidad Privada del Valle image/svg+xml




Hipertensión arterial, Presión arterial, Obesidad, Diabetes Mellitus


Introduction: High blood pressure (HBP) is the main cause of cardiovascular death, affecting more than 30 % of the population; It is the fundamental risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases; It is necessary to know its prevalence, epidemiological characteristics, cardiovascular risk factors and adherence to treatment. Materials and methods: Observational, analytical, prospective, cross-sectional study; In two stages (World High Blood Pressure and Heart Day), 20 institutions participated; The recommendations of the 2020 global hypertension practice guidelines and the International HTN Society were followed, through a survey and the Morisky-Green-Levine test to evaluate adherence to treatment. Results: 1624 individuals were included; 20 % prevalence; 58,8 % female; median age of 63 years in hypertensive patients; blood pressure (BP) with 130/80 mmHg in HTN. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) with 31 %, dyslipidemia 12 % and BMI of 29,9 Kg/m2, with higher values ​​in overweight and obesity in patients with HTN (p=<0,001). Most used therapy losartan with 62 %. Treatment adherence response reflects 61 % indicating occasional forgetfulness and 44 % stopping if they feel well. On the other hand, there is a 6,37 times greater probability of HTN with DM2, dyslipidemia (OR=2,40), age (OR=4,85); The ROC curve shows an AUC of 0,731 for age and 0,6 for weight and BMI. Conclusion: It shows that early diagnosis and management of HTN is essential, taking into account several risk factors such as age, DM2, dyslipidemia and BMI.


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How to Cite

Paz Soldan Patino, C. P., Saavedra Rodríguez, D., Ureña Cordero, S., Antezana Navia, L., Villanueva de la Rosa, C., & Ortega Martinez, R. A. (2023). High blood pressure, cardiovascular risk factors and therapeutic adherence multicentric registry in Cochabamba-Bolivia. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 18(45), 40–51. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v18i45.1040



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