Importance of the clinical implications of helper T cell subsets in various pathologies




Antibodies, Antigens, Biomarkers, T lymphocytes, Immune memory


Follicular helper T cells (TFHs) are a predominant subset of CD4+ T cells specialized in providing support to B cells in the germinal centers, and are essential for generating T-cell-dependent antibody responses. Peripheral TFHs (pTFHs) are the counterpart of TFHs found in the bloodstream and share many phenotypic and functional aspects with TFHs. The review focuses on current advances in pTFH in the context of acute viral diseases, in addition to recent findings related to the frequency and role of pTFH in the immune response against these infections; in addition to the possible roles of pTFH in the generation of antibody responses and long-term immunological memory in the context of viral diseases and how these may be closely related to vaccines and the impact to help against the prevention and treatment of many viral or autoimmune diseases that harm the well-being of human health.


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How to Cite

Castro Duran, J. Ángel. (2023). Importance of the clinical implications of helper T cell subsets in various pathologies. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 18(45), 83–92.


