Comprehensive forest management for sustainable development


  • María Jasivia Gonzáles Rocabado Promoción del desarrollo Integral de Bosques y Tierras de la Autoridad de Supervisión y Control Social de Bosques y Tierras de Bolivia



Ecodiversity, Forests, Integral management


Bolivia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, this is attributed to its recent geological history of having kept a climatic stability, which allowed a high diversification of flora and fauna species. The most biodiverse countries in the world are found within the earth’s tropical belt. This belt is marked by the Ecuador line, which is characterized by dividing the land into two parts latitudinally.

Bolivia is the 15th country in the world with the greatest coverage of natural forest, in addition to being a tropical forest, where three types of biomes converge: 1) The Andes, 2) The Amazon and 3) The Chaco. This situation means that 26 subregions have been described in Bolivia.

The integral management of forest in Bolivia not only contemplates the quantification of species of commercial value to know how much their extractive potential is, considering their regeneration. This has been called sustainable use focused mainly on wood.


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How to Cite

Gonzáles Rocabado, M. J. (2021). Comprehensive forest management for sustainable development . Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 3(4), 56–62.



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