Outlook of the Chinese and Latin American relations


  • Xinyan Peng Southwest University of Science and Technology




Cooperation, Chinese and Latin American relations, Exchange


In recent years, with the increasing cultural and economic exchanges between China and Latin America, more and more Chinese friends have begun to get to know Latin America, travel to Latin America and engage in Latin American studies. In terms of economy and trade, adhering to the concept of "win-win cooperation" (Danzhi, 2019), we import and export products between Latin America and China. Many fruits and coffee products from Latin America and the Caribbean can be seen in Chinese market. We also hope to import more Latin American products and conduct exhibition and promotion in China in the future.


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How to Cite

Peng, X. (2021). Outlook of the Chinese and Latin American relations. Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 3(3), 52–55. https://doi.org/10.52428/27888991.v3i3.113



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