Factorial Analysis Applied to Experimental Economic Research Applied to Simulation of Cochabamba Tannery Industry


  • Erick Ernesto Muñoz Royo




Knowledge Management, Factorial Analysis, Experimental Design


This experimental research aims to improve cognitive skills and create competition in management decisions, to thereby determine whether there are significant differences between participants who apply theories, strategies and those who do not. The subjects were undergraduate Career Business Administration, representing the chief executive. To colect the data a questionnaire composed of twentyseven variables was used. To process and tabulate the data Excel - IBM and SPSS Stadistics 21 were used. The variables, product of the decisions under uncertainty, reached at Cronbach's Alpha of 0,732, a factor analysis was performed through the method Alfa extracting factors, the factorial structure of tour factors explaining 79,574% of the underlying dimensions in decision-making was determined.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Royo, E. E. (2015). Factorial Analysis Applied to Experimental Economic Research Applied to Simulation of Cochabamba Tannery Industry. Revista Compás Empresarial, 6(17), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758960.v6i17.875



Scientific Paper