Strageci Decisions of Value Creation Under Uncerntainty and its Impact on Competitiveness and Business Valuation


  • Erick Ernesto Muñoz Royo



Financia! strategy, Valuation models, Value creation, Competitive advantage


This paper presents an experimental research, the proposed model aims to improve cognitive skills and create competition in managerial decisions, to thereby determine whether there are significant differences between participants who apply theories, strategies and those that do not. Subjects were Commercial Engineering undergraduate, representing the highest executive. To collect the data a questionnaire composed by twenty seven variables was used. Processing and tabulation of the data was performed using Excel software - IBM SPSS Stadistics 21. Economic and financial results product of decisions under uncertainty, quantified through flow method discounted dividends will create competitiveness and maximize the value of each tannery and place it in a certain position with respect to their peers in their industry. The results achieved in contrasting statistics were overwhelming; we opted for the alternative hypothesis.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Royo, E. E. (2016). Strageci Decisions of Value Creation Under Uncerntainty and its Impact on Competitiveness and Business Valuation. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(18), 38–46.



Scientific Paper