Energy & Co. Business Simulator Usability Evaluation: Eye tracking study


  • Ginamaria García Garcés



Business simulators. Eye tracking. Galvanic skin response. Virtual environments. Usability of web pages.


This is a descriptive study of user´s behavior working in a business simulator called Energy & Co. This study has used eye tracking technology and galvanic skin response sensors. The first allows to analyze attention’s behavior attention by heat diagrams and statistics of the fixation time on certain areas of interest on the screen. The galvanic skin response sensors collect emotional triggers, especially stress, while the user makes strategic direction decisions in the business simulator during three successive management rounds.

The results showed that text loses importance in successive rounds of simulation, that ornamental images are not observed in any of the rounds as well as bar graphics that do not show differences. Women seem to be more stressed than men during simulation and most participants get the highest peak stress while waiting for the results of the simulation round.


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How to Cite

García Garcés, G. . (2021). Energy & Co. Business Simulator Usability Evaluation: Eye tracking study . Revista Compás Empresarial, 12(32), 8–35.



Case studies