Indicators of Inclusive Education for the Higher Education System.


  • Ginamaria García Garcés



Inclusive education, Inclusion indicators, Quality indicators


This article aims to propose indicators for the evaluation of Inclusive Education in Bolivian universities, as part of their education quality and accreditation systems. We analyzed two models of self-evaluation of the educational quality that are capable in our context: the MERCOSUR Regional University Accreditation System (ARCU SUR) model, and the CEUB quality model or the Evaluation and Accreditation process in the Bolivian University System. We looked for similarities and differences between both, and most importantly, to determine if they take into account the issue of inclusion of students with special needs. Subsequently, self-evaluation models of inclusive education in systems from other parts of the world were investigated in order to define indicators of inclusive education for the Bolivian university. To finish, a survey of perception was made to the university community, professors/administrators and students, about the degree of educational inclusion in a private university in Cochabamba.


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How to Cite

García Garcés, G. (2019). Indicators of Inclusive Education for the Higher Education System. Revista Compás Empresarial, 10(27), 52–72.



Scientific Paper