Salud mental en los estudiantes de la Universidad Privada del Valle, sede La Paz, en el marco de la COVID-19




The COVID-19 Pandemic generated a great impact in the different spheres of the daily life of human beings, such as Mental Health, conditions such as social distancing or the lack of certainty in the face of what was coming, produced different alterations. For example, they had to face the death of family members, in some cases, without being able to say goodbye to them. These are situations that led to an increase in stress, possibly caused by impotence in the face of the COVID 19 Pandemic situation, if the symptoms are prolonged over time they would cause certain mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety that would require psychiatric treatment. , reaching repercussions in the daily activities of life. (Ruiz, 2020)


The coronavirus in one way or another has altered the mood of all people, including university students. University students are a key group in society, in terms of human capital and social development. The university stage is a stage that has many demands, as well as academic, social and personal demands for students. In the context of the Pandemic, education went from face-to-face to virtual, which highlighted other limitations such as accessibility and connectivity problems and the new way of learning, having an impact on the Mental Health of university students. However, during Covid-19, they were a vulnerable group, because according to studies carried out in other countries, the results show that this population presented symptoms of stress, fear, anxiety, insomnia, due to lack of social contact, lack of exercise and organization of new spaces in your home, (Gutiérrez, 2020).


These situations described motivated the realization of the following research question: What are the psychological indicators that would allow us to strengthen the Mental Health of the students of the Universidad Privada Del Valle (Sub-headquarters La Paz) in the framework of the Covid-19? With the purpose of proposing a project that supports and allows strengthening the Mental Health of the students of the Universidad del Valle-Sub Headquarters La Paz, during this Pandemic.


The methodology used in the following investigation was quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental -transectional, the method used was deductive. Likewise, a questionnaire was developed, based on the one prepared by Sandín, B., Valiente, R. M., García-Escalera, J., & Chorot, P. (2020). Psychological impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Negative and positive effects on the Spanish population associated with the period of national confinement, once elaborated, a pilot test of this instrument was carried out, for the reliability of the instrument.


KEY WORDS: Mental Health, University Students, COVID 19


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Author Biography

Virginia Hidalgo Maynaza, Universidad Privada del Valle

Docente de la Universidad Privada del Valle, La Paz, Bolivia.    


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Maynaza, V. (2022). Salud mental en los estudiantes de la Universidad Privada del Valle, sede La Paz, en el marco de la COVID-19 . Revista Compás Empresarial, 13(35), 99–122.



Scientific Paper