
  • Rodrigo Ruiz Andia Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Virginia Mercedes Fernández Daza Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Jhonatan Escalera Universidad Privada del Valle



Motivation, habits, socio-educational expectations, profile, COVID-19.


This research developed the design of the student's profile in times of COVID-19, for this purpose a population of 1200 students belonging to the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Universidad del Valle was identified, based on this data the calculation of sample size corresponding to 415 students. With this sample, two types of studies were developed, the quantitative and the qualitative. These studies made it possible to identify the student's profile with regard to motivations, habits and expectations. In this way, the profile of the student in times of Covid -19 has clear features in relation to motivation, habits and expectations.


 It was observed that he has several aspects of satisfaction in the use of the new resources that virtual education offers, but nevertheless there is another counterpart that thinks otherwise due to the administrative, economic and technological inconveniences raised.
The Univalle student has clear expectations regarding the teaching processes, and manifests some shortcomings in the level of English taught to them. The student has acquired very important habits in terms of order and training, however there is a percentage that during quarantine has developed idle activities, which must be directed so that it does not affect later situations and inconveniences in their training.

This research contains the intention of the constant improvement of the educational processes taught by the Universidad del Valle, it seeks to be a resource to support the achievement of better results in such difficult times.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Ruiz Andia, Universidad Privada del Valle

Candidato a Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Financieras de la Universidad Autónoma del Beni. Máster en Administración de empresas MBA Full Time énfasis modelos cuantitativos de la Universidad Privada Boliviana-INCAE. Máster en Educación superior en la Universidad Católica Boliviana. Licenciado en Ingeniería Industrial y Comercial en la Universidad Mayor de San Simón. Docente en las áreas de Estadística, Investigación de Operaciones, Neuromarketing e Investigación de Mercados en universidades públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Cochabamba.  

Virginia Mercedes Fernández Daza, Universidad Privada del Valle

Máster en Gestión Empresarial de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Especialista en Preparación y Evaluación de Proyectos Universidad de Chile, Consultor de Proyectos. Licenciada en Ingeniería Industrial en la Universidad Mayor de San Simón. Docente en las Áreas de Álgebra, Cálculo, Estadística, Econometría, Preparación y Evaluación de Proyectos. Actualmente, docente de la Universidad Privada del Valle. Especialista en Analítica de datos. 

Jhonatan Escalera, Universidad Privada del Valle

Licenciado en Ingeniería Comercial de la Universidad Privada del Valle, Analista de Datos y Freelancer con amplia experiencia como Community Mánager, presidente de la Sociedad Científica de Ingeniería Comercial de la Universidad del Valle, auxiliar en las asignaturas de Álgebra, Cálculo Aplicado, Información Financiera y Métodos Estadísticos dentro del Club de Matemáticas. 


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How to Cite

Ruiz Andia, R., Fernández Daza, V. M., & Escalera, J. (2022). STUDENT PROFILE IN TIMES OF COVID-19 PRIVATE UNIVERSITY OF VALLE. Revista Compás Empresarial, 13(34), 70–89.



Reflection Research Paper