Proposal of a Training Process for Teachers in Learning Environments Design Through ICTs for Mathematics: A Case Study Through Systemic Approaches


  • María Cristina Cortez Meneses



Teacher training, Using technology in teaching, Teaching-learning Systems


This research aimed to make a proposal far training teachers in designing learning environments with ICT for math teachers carrying through a sensitization process in their role as designers of learning environments in addition to its role as facilitators. For this, the state of art related to teacher training analyzing conventional methods of teaching­learning and its relation to the incorporation of ICT was reviewed. The study of different methodologies related to learning and the formalization of the processes of teaching is promoted through Educational Modeling Languages. Therefore, this research had as main aim to plan a process of teacher education through systemic design environments for ICT.


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How to Cite

Cortez Meneses, M. C. (2014). Proposal of a Training Process for Teachers in Learning Environments Design Through ICTs for Mathematics: A Case Study Through Systemic Approaches. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 10(32), 60–67.



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