Perceptions of the private business sector in marketing for the career of Commercial Engineering


  • Rodrigo Ruiz Andia CADEC



Business game


This reflection article called "Perceptions of the private business sector in the area of marketing for the Commercial Engineering career", has a quantitative approach, aimed at analyzing jobs, experience, academic degree, soft skills and suggestions from the sector. business in terms of content and structure of the curriculum of the Commercial Engineering career.

The records of FUNDAEMPRESA and other competent entities allowed us to obtain a sample size equal to 68 companies, the data collection means made it possible to observe that a large part of the current managers are men whose average age is 40 years.

Private entrepreneurs argue that business engineers should be experts in market research issues, have leadership, strategic vision, mastery of digital marketing, have soft skills such as: being proactive, innovative, creative, have mastery and experience.

The investigation asserts that the highest house of studies that trains the best Business Engineers is the Bolivian Private University, in second place is the Bolivian Catholic University and in third place is the Universidad del Valle. In addition, the areas with the highest performance would be: marketing, management, economics and finance. In this regard, the subjects that they propose to incorporate into the curricula are those referred to Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence.

It was also possible to notice that there is an association between the university in which the businessman graduated with the skills required of Business Engineers, as well as between the field to which it belongs and the specialization it suggests.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Andia, R. (2023). Perceptions of the private business sector in marketing for the career of Commercial Engineering. Revista Compás Empresarial, 14(36), 104–133.



Reflection Research Paper

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