Theoretical Basis for Making an Experimental Research Modeling of a Tannery Industry


  • Erick Ernesto Muñoz Royo



Tannery industry, Planning models, Strategic decisions


This paper explores tapies of the theoretical literature of strategic decisions taken by the executive under uncertainty. Similarly, the competitive level that each organization achieve and sustain in the short, medium and long term. Should be linked and integrated strategy and hence in decisions under uncertainty. The economic and financia! results, product of taken decisions and competitive results achieved, among others, will affect quantification through free cash flow, allowing the organization to assess and place in a certain position relative to their counterparts in the industry; analysis will be approached from the experimental economic research. Therefore, the theoretical framework of this article shall be for food far the implementation of a future experimental research.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Royo, E. E. (2015). Theoretical Basis for Making an Experimental Research Modeling of a Tannery Industry. Revista Compás Empresarial, 6(15), 12–19.


