Discussed business in the Commercial Exporting Showcase at the International Fair of Cochabamba, 2019


  • Rodrigo Ruiz Andia Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Hernán Copa Quisbert Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Virginia Mercedes Fernández Daza Universidad Privada del Valle




Cámara de exportadores. Citas de negocio. Misiones comerciales. Vitrina comercial.


This paper presents the research conclusions that sought to know the results of the meetings and types of businesses discussed in the Exporter Commercial Showcase, organized by the Exporters’ Chamber in May 2019, at the Feicobol fairground, in the city of Cochabamba. In the data analysis, quantitative techniques were used, which were processed in the statistical software SPSS (Statistical Package for the social Sciences). The results obtained were focused on determining the agreements reached at the meetings ending, most of which remained in negotiations. Finally, the types of businesses discussed were identified, the most prominent being the buying and selling of products.


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FEICOBOL. (2019). Feicobol. Obtenido de www.feicobol.com.bo: https://www.feicobol.com.bo/es/ferias/fic

Portafolio. (2019). Peridódico Digital Portafolio. Obtenido de www.portafolio.co: https://www.portafolio.co/economia/finanzas/vitrinas-comerciales-mejor-manera-negocios-422202

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How to Cite

Ruiz Andia, R., Copa Quisbert, H. ., & Fernández Daza, V. M. . (2020). Discussed business in the Commercial Exporting Showcase at the International Fair of Cochabamba, 2019. Revista Compás Empresarial, 11(31), 125–138. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758960.v10i31.82



Reflection Research Paper