Soft Skills required in the labor market of Business Administration professionals in La Paz city, according to the perception of personal recruiting companies


  • Jenny Vargas Vega
  • Nelson Luis Rodrigo Mendizábal



Soft Skills, Personal Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Group skills, Professional competences, Employers


The research detailed below referstothe SoftSkills required by the Business Administration services to develop tasks entrusted to organizations in La Paz city. This study was conducted under a system of perceptions with prominent Human Resources Recruitment Companies with a presence in their hometown: Dio, Buenas Prácticas, Voyer Group, Etika, Talento and BM Group. For this purpose, a quantitative-qualitative methodology has been used, which includes the use of questionnaires. This instrument was validated through in-depth interviews with experts for an optima[ collection of information. The results obtained were expressed with respect to the organizational typology {pro-enterprise, public sector, and NGO's}, contrasting them with their organizational levels: Higher command, medium command, and operational level, detecting the following soft skills demanded by the La Paz market labor: a)The Higher Command Leve! requires the following skills: Conflict Management, Establishment of Relations through Support Communication and, Motivation to Third Parties.
b) For the Average Command Leve!: Teamwork, Establishment of Relations through Support Communication and, Creativity in solving
problems. c) For the Operative Leve!: Spirit of Service, Good deal and, Empathy and sociability


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How to Cite

Vargas Vega, J., & Rodrigo Mendizábal , N. L. (2018). Soft Skills required in the labor market of Business Administration professionals in La Paz city, according to the perception of personal recruiting companies. Revista Compás Empresarial, 9(26), 18–27.



Scientific Paper

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