Electronic device to support the initial learning of Braille Reading


  • Yamil Condarco Calderon Universidad Privada del Valle




Android Application, Braille Reading, Electronic Device, Visual Disability, 3D Printing


This article presents the design of an electronic device to support learning to read braille characters. The braille literacy system allows visually impaired people to interact with their environment without the need for an outsider. The purpose of the device is to support instructors in the process of reading braille characters through the use of an Android mobile application that allows learning braille characters sequentially and also practicing what has been learned, a database to track and a braille character simulating device. The braille simulator device was designed by 3D printing and communicates wirelessly with the mobile device, a database with web access and connection outside the local area network LAN (in English: 'Local Area Network', known as LAN) was used by using a VPN virtual private network (in English: 'Virtual Private Network', known as VPN) to achieve record and track the use of the device. It was possible to design a device that allows support in the braille reading learning process, tests were carried out and in coordination with the regional La Paz of the Bolivian Institute of Blindness, recommendations were obtained that will improve the performance of the braille device in the future.


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How to Cite

Condarco Calderon, Y. (2023). Electronic device to support the initial learning of Braille Reading. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 19(54), 61–76. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v19i54.990



Applied Engineering Project