Innocence Presumption and Print Media: A General Overview of Respect for Human Rights


  • Juan Carlos Ramírez Ugalde



Presumption of innocence, Constitutional rights, Journalism events, Journalism and Human Rights


This article addresses the way in which crimes are
covered by the print media in the country and how it
affects the rights of individuals, especially those who
are accused and charged far apparently committing
them. On the one hand, it is known the use of the means far discharging the responsibility far coverage information sources; and on the other, the words use that support the supposed innocence of persons; however, these mechanisms, if not accompanied by a comprehensive treatment on the news, are not enough to guarantee the rights of individuals. From this logic, the content of the media is observed, considering the existing laws in the country as well as international standards that guarantee the presumption of innocence, which are not respected in the daily coverage. To set the type of treatment, cases were taken which were covered by the media, analyzed far their content and how they were treated by journalists from the print media.


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Organización de las Naciones Unidas (Septiembre de 2014) http://www. un .org/es/documents/udhr/

Organización de Estados Americanos (Septiembre de 2014)­32_Convencion_Americana_sobre_Derechos_Humanos.pdf

Infoleyes (Septiembre de 2014)

RAMIREZ UGALDE, Juan Carlos. El periodismo por dentro: el proceso de distribución social del conocimiento. Tesis de Maestría; Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar; La Paz, 2011.

TUCHMAN, Gaye; La objetividad como ritual estratégico. En Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación Nº 4; Editorial Universidad Complutense de Madrid; ESPAÑA, 1999. pp. 199 ­218.

GOLDING, Peter y ELLIOTI, Philip. Making the news. Editorial Longman. Lóndres y Nueva York, 1979.



How to Cite

Ramírez Ugalde , J. C. (2016). Innocence Presumption and Print Media: A General Overview of Respect for Human Rights. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(18), 25–28.




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