Trade Negotiations Strategy Through Participation in International Fairs to Promote Craft Exports Case: "Art Ruby Creations" Organization at the Colombian Fair Farex 2014-2015


  • Adriana Farideh Rojas Villavicencio



Negotiation Techniques, Negotiation crafts, Trade negotiations


"Art Ruby Creations" is a craft organization dedicated to cold porcelain craftsmanship, featuring a variety of designs. In the local market it has enjoyed great success among companies that rewards client loyalty through POP materials. FAR EX-Colombia is a very recognized export craft fair which takes place in Cartagena de Indias, constituting one of the areas where the best handicrafts are presented, and opens its doors to national and international participants and visitors. This fair is held annually, in order to support and strengthen Colombian and international artisans. Thus, this project presented an appropriate trade negotiation strategy for artisanal products "Art Ruby Creations" in order to be used in international fairs to promote its products. For this aim, it was proposed that the micro company would begin participating in the Colombian fair FAREX. The research process consisted of interviews that were applied to key people; and the representative of microenterprise, representative artisans attending similar events, fairs and business managers from Colombia in Bolivia. The results of the research showed the importance of implementing a business strategy when participating in such events; with the implementation and use of appropriate tools to greatly improve the participation of craft products, achieving significant negotiations. 


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How to Cite

Rojas Villavicencio, A. F. (2016). Trade Negotiations Strategy Through Participation in International Fairs to Promote Craft Exports Case: "Art Ruby Creations" Organization at the Colombian Fair Farex 2014-2015. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(19), 67–73.



Scientific Paper