Law 1322 "Copyright Law" Amendment Proposal and a New Copyright Concept Proposal in the Plurinational State of Bolivia under the Knowledge Society


  • Luis Gonzalo Guzmán Gumucio



Copyright law (Law 1322), lntellectual property, Law Amendment Knowledge and Society.


In order to find a solution to the new problems of copyright which may arise from the emergence of the knowledge society and information and communications technology (ICT), it has been researched the intellectual property history development with the aim of find the basic doctrinal foundations of this area of law. Using a deductive, descriptive and transversal research, sorne of the economic and cultural phenomena have been studied that make up the framework of evolution of copyright and that have influenced its interference in several labor and economics today. Among the main objectives of the research it is to be able to reconcile both the educational needs of readers, which are benefited with literary works, and the prevailing needs of authors which threatened their most basic rights due to the proliferation of piracy and massive and illegal distribution of their material.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Gumucio, L. G. (2016). Law 1322 "Copyright Law" Amendment Proposal and a New Copyright Concept Proposal in the Plurinational State of Bolivia under the Knowledge Society. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(19), 49–54.



Scientific Paper