Technical Study of Agricultural Products, Animals, Soil and Water in Colquechaca and Pocoata Municipalities from Chayanta Province Northern Potosi


  • Diego Rubén Gasalvez Aguilera



Environmental pollution, Heavy metals, Pollution­agricultural products


Studies carried out in the municipalities of Colquechaca and Pocoata Northern Potosi demonstrated high heavy metal contamination, result of the intervention of the mining operators in the region who, by pouring their liquid and salid waste in the river, tend to spread the pollution beyond their own localities. Unfortunately, this pollution affects even the Municipality of Pocoata, and the village of Macha, in the municipality of Colquechaca, which are characterized by their agricultural activity. Previous studies developed by the XX Century University, showed pollution values in their trials. In the same way this work, developed by the Center for Action to Change ­ Bolivia, presented results of high contamination of heavy metals in various localities in which íntervened, taking samples of water, soil, plants and animal blood. While in the found values a decrease is observed from the points of greatest contamination found in Colquechaca, to the points sampled beyond Pocoata, such as Okhoruru, it did draw attention to the soils had quite high levels and, above all, uncorrelated between arrays soil, plant and animal blood, as in the cadmium Viscachiri parameter. We should mention that this study was only conducted in the wet ar rainy season, which to sorne extent dueto a dilution effect, could not show more pollution in the river water that is generally used in irrigation.


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Periódico "El Potosí", 30 de agosto del 2012, Página 12.

ONG Wiñay, Carpeta técnica: "Daños Medioambientales provocados por la actividad minera en los municipios de Pocoata y Colquechaca" realizada por encargo de la Central Sindical Única de Trabajadores Originarios de la Provincia Chayanta CSUTOPCH. 201 O, Primera Edición, Páginas 1 a la 50.

LEY No. 1333, LEY DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE, DEL 23 DE MARZO DE 1992, Publicada en la Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia el 15 de Junio 1992.



How to Cite

Gasalvez Aguilera, D. R. (2016). Technical Study of Agricultural Products, Animals, Soil and Water in Colquechaca and Pocoata Municipalities from Chayanta Province Northern Potosi. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(19), 17–26.



Scientific Paper