Psychological Intervention Guide Proposal to Support Parents in the Development of Mourning because of a Child Death


  • Angélica Jiménez Escobar



Mourning, Suicide, Intervention guide, Parents


Mourning is a reaction to a person's death, showing symptoms of sadness, depression, guilt, fear, anger; besides that, it entails sleep and appetite disorders; this pain is greater when one experiences the suicide of a son or daughter. The investigation was carried out in La Paz city; the objective was to propose a Guide of psychological intervention for the elaboration of the duel of parents before the death of a child by suicide. The study was qualitative, descriptive-propositional, non-experimental and transversal; the methods used were inductive and analytical. Four mothers and one father were selected with selection criteria. We used an in-depth interview and life story. It was noticed that the subjects of study had not elaborated their mourning remaining immersed in sadness, fear, pain, guilt, rage, etc. For this reason, a Guide to psychological intervention was proposed to support these people.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Escobar, A. (2016). Psychological Intervention Guide Proposal to Support Parents in the Development of Mourning because of a Child Death. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(20), 53–64.



Scientific Paper