Analysis of Effective Criminal Persecution of Crimes of Human Trafficking in Bolivia


  • Mariela Trillo Sarmiento



Human trafficking, Violence, Legal mechnisms in human trafficking, Trafficking scope


The present study analyzed the national legal system in relation to the new scope of human trafficking in Bolivia. It includes a wide bibliographical review and the opinion of professional lawyers and persons related to this issue, showing how this crime has evolved, and how the Bolivian justice system needs to address new strategies for effective protection of human rights, as well as the effective prosecution of human trafficking when the rate of disappearance continues increasing in the country, despite Law No. 263 of July 31, 2012; which typifies and sanctions such illicit acts. The purpose of the investigation was to characterize the crime, as well as to establish statistically the incidence of the crimes of trafficking and trafficking in persons in the national territory. From the analysis of the information collected, we can affirm that the norms must be updated according to the new forms of crime, for that it is necessary to work with specialists in the subject, as well as, to take into account the development of the new technologies, and that these crimes are being perpetrated by these means.


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How to Cite

Trillo Sarmiento, M. (2016). Analysis of Effective Criminal Persecution of Crimes of Human Trafficking in Bolivia. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(20), 37–44.



Scientific Paper