Corporate Image Design to Consolidate the Identity of Maquinchef Importer in its Internal and External Public from La Paz City


  • Anahí Marisol Mamani Alcón



Corporate image, Marketing, Identity


At present, there has been a growing difficulty in differentiating existing products or services, therefore, Corporate Image has acquired a fundamental importance, creating value for the company and establishing itself as a strategic intangible asset. Through an exhaustive study, carried out at a theoretical and practical level, the current diagnosis of the Corporate Image of MAQUINCHEF (importer and distributor of industrial machinery for food) was determined. The results are obvious: the external public does not have a good perception of the company and it is difficult to remember (the Visual Identity) the name and logo of the company. As for the internal public, an ignorance of the Culture-Corporate Personality and a deficient Internal Communication was detected.
A design of twelve Corporate Image strategies was proposed in practical and systematic ways, which are intended to be the first step in a process towards a consolidation of the Corporate Identity of MAQUINCHEF. Likewise, the proposal aims to be one of the fundamental pillars for the marketing plans that the company has in the future in the long term and thus generate greater profit (not only for Image, but also economic) for the company.


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How to Cite

Mamani Alcón, A. M. (2016). Corporate Image Design to Consolidate the Identity of Maquinchef Importer in its Internal and External Public from La Paz City. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(20), 30–36.



Scientific Paper