Description of a Trining Plan far High Leve/ Personnel aplicable in multinational enterprises, based on the information of managemant performance obtained from the business gaming sessions


  • Lineth Crespo Calvo



Training, Managers, Reflection, Analysis, Collaboration, Changes, Performance, Competences


The article presents the results of the thesis document which has the target to elaborate a training plan focused on high leve[ of the company Drago, for the development of skills and knowledge, potentially reinforceable according to the diagnosis of 360 degree evaluations. The proposed staff training program was based on The lnternational Masters in Practicing Management program, which is oriented to the integral development of the managers. An analysis was made of the company and its competition using the quantitative data resulting from the simulator game The Business Strategy Game (BSG), which provided the performance results within the industry of sports shoes. lt was possible evaluated the performance between the diferent sport shoes industries and therefore compare them against the results the performance of Drago and its managers staff. A performance analysis was executed of the managers of Drago company wich compared against manager's performance of the competition companies, through the qualitative results provided by CAPSIM which applied a 360­degree evaluation, identifying the managerial competences to be improved. The proposed staff training program for the sport shoes Company Drago was planned for it will allow the managers of it company to increase their performance, of the a reas under their care and the company in general through reflection processes, analysis, knowledge of the environment, applying changes and collaboration networks, experiencing theory in practice.


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How to Cite

Crespo Calvo, L. (2017). Description of a Trining Plan far High Leve/ Personnel aplicable in multinational enterprises, based on the information of managemant performance obtained from the business gaming sessions. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(22), 55–62.



Scientific Paper