Business simulation program. Business Game: Case Game Changer Company


  • Melvy Calle Castillo



Training, Generic Porter Strategies, Management, Competences, Simulation


The present work was oriented to propase a management training plan in generic strategies of Porter, with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of the company Game Changer in the international market. The work, methodologically developed under the quantitative paradigm, supported by a research of descriptive type, with the use of a simulator in a business game. We performed the analysis and interpretation ofthe results of the simulation in business game and concluded in the need to train a real managers in Porter generic strategies, aimed at improving their managerial capabilities. An updated training plan was designed to strengthen knowledge and skills development and decision-making skills. The training plan is composed of modules, action plans and budget.


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How to Cite

Calle Castillo , M. (2017). Business simulation program. Business Game: Case Game Changer Company. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(22), 47–54.



Scientific Paper