Business simulation program. Management of production and logistics: Case Drago


  • Sandra Elizabeth Anaya Domínguez



Business Game, Quality, Strategy, Sneakers, Market


The Business Strategy Game is a business use simulator, which allows to analyze and understand the real behavior of a company and the industry market that accompanies it, through its tools, generating answers based on the decisions made by the competitors of the game. Drago company is one ofthe seven sportive shoes manufacturing companies that will compete to obtain the best score in the industry marker. lt has its production factories in North America and Asia which products are distributed in four geographical a reas: North America, Latin America, Europe ­Africa and Asia ­ Pacific. The initial strategy proposed by the Drago Company is a wide differentiation for its products, through quality, covering the transnational market, both their own la bel market and the prívate la bel market. The objective of this document is to describe the set of strategies, actions and decisions, with Drago's Production and Logistics management contributed to improving the distribution of products, improving the quality of exports, increasing productivity and reducing the products rejected from years 11 to 18. Carrying out an analysis of the initial situation, the strategies and the actions taken each year in Production and Logistics of the company and studying the results obtained from the decisions taken by the Management in the simulator program to compare with industry. 


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How to Cite

Anaya Domínguez, S. E. (2017). Business simulation program. Management of production and logistics: Case Drago. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(22), 41–46.



Scientific Paper