Offline Marketing vs. Online Marketing, the need to update our knowledge


  • Fernando Rivertt R.



Online Marketing, Digital Marketing, lnbound Marketing


The article aims to give sorne basic points, guidelines on online marketing, pre/iously explaining sorne of the changes that traditional marketing undergoes in digital or online environments. Also mentioned sorne concepts, techniques, methodologies and sorne online marketing trends that fit the current digital interaction. lt is mentioned that in Bolivia, online or digital marketing actions are more focused on social networks or social media and the use of
online advertising platforms, such as Google adwords, Facebook Ads and others, which are very useful too Is, but, however, they aren' t developing integral online marketing strategies, that can lead convertion; convertion in a more objective sense, as the generation of Leads (Data base) and Leads qualification; the use of it for a better segmentation (Big Data Marketing), and to achieve a better communication -interaction- more suitable in digital channels or online.


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How to Cite

Rivertt R., F. (2017). Offline Marketing vs. Online Marketing, the need to update our knowledge. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(22), 24–29.



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