Inquiring to shape true business leaders


  • Augusto Guillermo Terrazas Canedo



Leadership, Emotional intelligence, Executive level 5, Communication


The present paper analyzes the different theoretical approaches regarding the fundamental features of the true business leader, the different leadership styles, and the interesting discovery of the leadership leve! 5, which was identified asan essential factor in transforming performance's companies from good to excellent. Complementarily the theory of the communicative leadership is described, and it was identified asan important part of the leadership skills. This theory seeks to efficiently align and engage different parts of the company. Based on the literature review, it was possible to understand the various factors that shape the true business leader. These factors constitute a basic guideline for responding the questions posed at the begging of the research, and achieve interesting conclusions. Therefore, the current paper was conceived as a practica! and reflective guide to cultivate the correct skills of the entrepreneurial leader. This kind of leadership should possess a critical­reflective capacity of his environment and his own person, who is a ble to generate positive impact on society.


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How to Cite

Terrazas Canedo, A. G. (2017). Inquiring to shape true business leaders . Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(22), 18–23.



Scientific Paper