Perceptions and expectations about labor competencies in ICT's in the profesional profile of the communicator of the city of Cochabamba


  • Jose Alberto López Benavides



Communication, Technologies, Labor market, Academic training, Digital competences


Communication, technology and society are the aspects on which this research focuses and which necessarily leads us to also study economic relations as part of this dynamic at present. However, the central point is to know how we move in relation to the preparation and demand of the institutional context of Cocha bamba on the competences of the communicator in the workplace, but above ali focusing attention on the integration of lnformation and Communication Technologies (ICT · s) in this appearance. This research article aims to investigate how the competences in ICT · s are perceived in the current professional market from the opinions and / or comments of the actors immersed in this a rea of communication as a field of work, where it is analyzed through the testimonies of communicators with vast work experience in different organizations to have a more complete vision of the context.


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How to Cite

López Benavides, J. A. (2017). Perceptions and expectations about labor competencies in ICT’s in the profesional profile of the communicator of the city of Cochabamba. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(22), 6–17.



Scientific Paper